What is CHECKSIX ? Well, first of all CHECKSIX is dedicated to all kinds of military aviation – from the past, present and future. CHECKSIX is serves a worldwide audience with the best in aviation photography accompanied by informative articles relating to airshows, aviation related exhibitions, air forces and their exercises, aviation history and much more. Our members are all photographers of a professional standard and although aviation photography is not our primary profession, you can find our photos/articles in some of the finest hardcopy aviation magazines available.

If you want to know more about our Team please visit CREW and if you have more questions go to FAQ


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including copying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing by the editor. Responsibility for the contents of reports labeled with the name of the author rest upon the author. Letters to the editor presuppose the right to publish the contents. Photographs and reports sent to the editor without prior request will be returned only, if a post paid and addressed envelope is enclosed.


We are always happy to receive images and/or articles from our readers. Only if the managing editor deems material submitted to be of interest/use will it be used on our website. The rights on all images and written content submitted belong to the photographer/author.

For all images and/or articles published anywhere on this website no royalties will be paid.